Offices and Service Industry

Frankfurt Business Center

Frankfurt (GERMANY)
Installation July 2019
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In the heart of Frankfurt, at an important business center, FullFLOW VFD (1 + i) 1530, Y-Flow 2165 and WinPOWER 4440 were installed. A very valuable installation for the new entry FullFlLOW VFD (1 + i) in the Rhoss catalog.

Total cooling capacity: 1200 kW


Nel cuore di Francoforte, presso un importante centro direzionale, sono state installate FullFLOW VFD (1+i) 1530, Y-Flow 2165 e WinPOWER 4440. Una installazione di grande pregio per la new entry FullFlLOW VFD (1+i) nel catalogo Rhoss.

Potenza frigorifera totale: 1200 kW

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