
Pôle Medical

Neuf Brisach (FRANCE)
Installation August 2020
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Nella prestigiosa cittadella fortificata francese di Neuf-Brisach, patrimonio mondiale dell’UNESCO e progettata a forma ottagonale da Vauban durante il regno del Re Sole (rappresenta proprio un sole visto dall’alto),

RHOSS ha fornito una polivalente Y-Flow EXP TXHEBY 290 acqua-acqua da 90 kW, per la produzione simultanea d’acqua calda e fredda per la climatizzazione di un Polo medico.

Un prodotto ad alta tecnologia con compressori ermetici scroll.

Potenza frigorifera totale: 90 kW

In the prestigious French fortified citadel of Neuf-Brisach, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and designed in an octagonal shape by Vauban during the reign of the Sun King (it represents a sun seen from above),

RHOSS has supplied a multi-purpose ecological water-cooled unit, 90 kW cooling capacity, Y-Flow EXP TXHEBY 290 for the simultaneous production of hot and cold water for the air-conditioning of a medical Pole.

A high-tech product with hermetic scroll compressors.

Total cooling capacity: 90 kW

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