
Air conditioning systems for hospitals

Chillers, heat pumps, multi-purpose units, air handling units and terminal units developed by Rhoss for healthcare facilities contribute to maintaining the highest level of well-being and health for operators, patients and users of the facility. They fulfil the requirements related to the medical activities, such as those in the operating theatres or intensive care areas. They guarantee maximum energy savings. The climate of healthcare facilities is essential for treatment success.

In an operating theatre, hospital wards, and laboratories, air must be pure, at the desired temperature and humidity; the distribution must not spread pathogens or even dust and dirt. There is always a strong demand for DHW, which is duly treated to prevent Legionnaires’ disease. Both hot and cold are often requested simultaneously. Reliability and low energy consumption are conditions required to ensure continuous operation throughout the year with low costs.

The air conditioning and air treatment solutions offered by Rhoss meet the requirements to guarantee a high level of health and quality of the air, limiting toxic phenomena such as air currents or dust due to convective currents.

The wide range of Rhoss Air handling units are able to guarantee total hygiene and easy sanitisation as a result of products and accessories specifically designed for these requirements. Rhoss high efficiency cooling units with inbuilt heat recovery systems are ideal products to manage the climate in all the building’s sections. EXP multipurpose units are able to produce both heating and cooling energy by freely recovering it from each other. This guarantees extremely high performance and very low consumption.

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  • Hospitals



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